WAKEFIELD, QUEBEC—21 participants from Indigenous communities across Canada are in Wakefield, Quebec this week of July 16th to 21st, to learn about ways to develop renewable energy projects in their communities. They represent First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities from nearly every province and territory.
They are taking part in a Program called the 20/20 Catalysts Program, developed by Lumos Clean Energy Advisors and Indigenous Works. The Program focuses on clean energy capacity-building to promote project development in communities.
The program is led by over two dozen mentors- Indigenous leaders who have completed clean energy projects, and practitioners with a proven track record of developing successful clean energy projects.
These mentors include people like Terri Lynn Morrison, Director of Ango’tmeq Nm’tginen (Natural Resources) with the Mi’gmawei Mawiomi Secretariat, who led the development of an over $300-million-dollar wind farm which has 50% ownership by the three local Mi’gmaq communities. They also include people like Tanna Pirie-Wilson, CEO of Band Operations with Neqotkuk Maliseet Nation (Tobique First Nation), who is actively working on sustainable energy projects in her community.
The week in Wakefield marks the last of three week-long intensive learning sessions that the program participants attended. The two intensives were held in Richbucto, New Brunswick and Canmore, Alberta. Through those weeks, they have learnt about community energy planning, community engagement techniques, project feasibility, project financing, business planning, and much more.
Chris Henderson, Program Designer and Lead Mentor of the 20/20 Catalysts Program, sees the tremendous potential for clean energy to facilitate reconciliation between communities, utilities, governments and businesses that come together to develop projects that yield greater returns for all parties.
The network developed through the Program-linking participants to mentors, subject experts and supporting organizations. They will pave the way for unprecedented cooperation between multiple stakeholders and facilitate the transition to clean energy project development.
“Indigenous communities in Canada are at the forefront of the transition to a clean energy economy, so it is important to share best practices and information amongst one another- 20/20 is making a major contribution in this regard” says Henderson.
Currently there are over 165 operating clean energy projects with Indigenous involvement across Canada. The participants in the Program are part of a group catalyzing more projects in the coming years, generating immense benefits across the country.
Program Details:
Learn more information about the Program: www.2020catalystsprogram.com or watch our 8-minute promotional video.
Eryn Stewart
Program Manager, 20/20 Catalysts Program
Work: 613-562-2005 ext 230
Cell: 613-884-6158 estewart@lumosenergy.com