Celebrating Indigenous Arts in Algonquin Territory
August 9-13, 2017
Ottawa, ON—The 6th annual Asinabka Festival is excited to present the best contemporary Indigenous film, art and music from Canada and around the world. The Festival takes place over 5 days at Asinabka (Victoria Island), the Canadian Museum of Nature, Gallery 101 and Platform Gallery, from August 9-13, 2017.
The Festival begins the evening of Wednesday, August 9 at Aboriginal Experiences on Victoria Island with a welcoming celebration of traditional and contemporary Indigenous music and dance. At sunset we will have an outdoor screening of our opening night film Rumble: The Indians who Rocked the World.
Our schedule includes 3 evenings of film in the Theatre at the Canadian Museum of Nature – Musée canadien de la nature, as well as Matinee Film Screenings, a Midnight Film Screening, a Gallery Crawl with 2 art openings at Gallery 101 & Platform Gallery, and live Indigenous music as a part of the “Asin Fest Music Series”.
- Opening Night Outdoor Film Screening of “Rumble: The Indians who Rocked the World” & Closing Night Screening of Amanda Kernell’s powerful film “Sami Blood” (Sweden).
- A Spotlight on films from Yunnan China, and Maori & Pasifika shorts curated by the Wairoa Maori Film Festival (NZ).
- A Maori Film Panel with delegates from New Zealand, and a Seminar on Filmmaking in Yunnan with delegates from the University of Yunnan.
- Feature length films such as Zacharias Kunuk’s epic drama “Maliglutit”, Stephen Page’s visually mesmerizing film “Spear”, as well as documentary films “Bee Nation” and “All Our Father’s Relations” co-presented with the One World Film Festival.
- The final instalment of the Asin Fest Music Series featuring:
Wolf Saga // Elisa HArkins // Ziibiwan ᓯᐱᐘᐣ // Kayla Briët // Ansley Simpson // The Handsome Savages // Fire Queen // Gentleman Soundgoods // Sarah Yankoo // Larissa Desrosiers // DJ Jas Nasty // DJ Hiona // DJ Sweet Cheeks // VJ Rezidual // VJ Paradise // + More TBA - Art Gallery Crawl, with opening of “Body Language: Decolonial Love” curated by Charlotte Hoelke at Gallery 101, and a Pop-up VR, Video Games, & Video Art Exhibition at Platform Gallery.
- Also at the Gallery Crawl: Burlesque performance and workshops with the Vancouver’s scintillating Virago Nation, plus Indigenous tattoos from Toronto based Indigenous tattoo shop Inkdigenous.
- For details about our entire festival schedule visit www.asinabkafestival.org