John Croutch

With over 30 years experience in the food industry, John likes to think of himself as an urban hunter and gatherer grounded in the roots of his Anishinaabe and German ancestry. His opposition to the unsustainable nature of current industrial farming methods is consciously expressed by encouraging people to eat seasonal and locally produced foods (preferably organic) much as his Anishinaabe ancestors did. John was instrumental in restoring the Native Students' Association, Kahonake Kititikan medicine garden at The University of Toronto as a place for Aboriginal students to practice First Nations ceremony and to reconnect with the land. John is the current office manager trainee at Muskrat Magazine and a standardized patient/facilitator with the Standardized Patient Program at the University of Toronto.

Article 3
November, 2013June, 2013March, 2013

    Indigenous foodie John Croutch helps his friend decipher what not to eat by tossing out the ‘crap’ a ...

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