“Gehl is on the cutting edge.”
Lorelei Anne Lambert, author of Research for Indigenous Survival
“This heartfelt book chronicles a journey of struggle, wonder and discovery. Its honesty and directness is refreshing. It is a welcome addition to the field.”
John Borrows, author of Freedom and Indigenous Constitutionalism and Recovering Canada
“The discussion of heart and mind knowledge are the Anishinaabeg Clan System of Governance are major contributions to the research.”
Marlyn Bennett, founder of First Peoples Child & Family Review
“Extraordinary and inspiring…”
Lorraine F. Mayer, author of Cries from a Metis Heart
At this link you will find the information about the book launches in Peterborough, Ottawa, and Toronto: http://www.lynngehl.
From there you will be able to access the direct links to the facebook events pages to obtain date, location, and time. You can also them here:
Peterborough: https://www.facebook.
Ottawa: https://www.facebook.
Toronto: https://www.facebook.com/events/173600113202472
Please take the time and personally invited your friends and family.