“Authentic Indigenous Health and Wellness Partnerships: Reclaimative Leading Practices ”
2016 National Forum February 15 – 17, 2016
The Aboriginal Nurses Association of Canada (A.N.A.C.) is pleased to announce our 2016 National Forum in Montreal, QC: “Authentic Indigenous Health and Wellness Partnerships: Reclaimative Leading Practices”.
In celebration of A.N.A.C.’s 40th Anniversary, members from across Canada will gather to honor and share knowledge on the significant contributions we have made to the field of nursing education, practice, policy and research for First Nations, Inuit and Métis populations in Canada. Our members are the keepers of a rich body of knowledge related to Indigenous nursing and Indigenous health and wellness. As the first and longest standing Indigenous health and Indigenous health professional organization in Canada, we continue to influence and transform how the development of Reclaimative Leading Practices in health education, research, health policy, and services/programs can better serve First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples.
In reaching this milestone, A.N.A.C believes that; “to promote, develop and maintain our institutional structures and our distinctive customs, spirituality, traditions, procedures and practices” (Article 34 UN Declaration Rights of Indigenous Peoples) is a foundation on which to build the next 40 years. Effective collaboration with national, regional and local organizations and governments to address health inequities for First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples will require A.N.A.C.’s ability to engage in self-determining ways. Our conference this year is a call to international, national, provincial/territorial and local Indigenous and non-Indigenous health stakeholders; to articulate leading practices and innovative and transformative ideas towards the development of authentic Indigenous health partnership.
Our objective is to engage all participants in the development of a self-determining multi-disciplinary collaboration model inclusive of principles, protocols and mechanisms that can assist all stakeholders in the application of culturally relevant leading practices in health policy, education and research, programs and services for First Nations, Inuit and Métis populations in Canada. A one-day interactive pre-conference session will focus on Indigenous Knowledge.
Abstracts are now being invited for oral presentations, posters and workshop sessions that reflect the theme of the conference. We will accept submissions from a broad multi-disciplinary perspective. Conference sessions will include presentations and inter-active dialogue on leading practices, research, and policy relative to the conference theme. These may include using evidence informed research, lived experiences, and practical applications of current practice.
Instructions for Submitting Abstracts:
Abstracts must be received by June 30, 2015
Use attached abstract form; not to exceed 150 words; please use 12pt font
Email to the national office: ctoulouse@anac.on.ca
Aboriginal Nurses Association of Canada (A.N.A.C.) website: