Mother Cassandra Laforest-Roy, and father Nick Piquette with baby Roman Laforest, Carol Couchie and Rachel Dennis. Photo courtesy of: Allison Roberts, Darkwoods Photography. NIPISSING FIRST NATION—The miracle of life has taken place on Nipissing First Nation territory with the birth of Roman. The arriva...
A group of Anmeki Wajiw (Mount McKay) students from Fort William First Nation built and launched a 15-foot birch bark canoe last summer at Sandy Beach near Chippewa Park. Source: FORT WILLIAM FIRST NATION—The Fort William canoe builders who created an 18-foot birch bark canoe...
Fireworks fill the night sky above the Oceti Sakowin Camp as Native Americans and other protestors celebrate (Scott Olson | Getty Images) OCETI SAKOWIN CAMP, Standing Rock, North Dakota – A thousand voices around the Sacred Fire went up in cheers and cries of “mni wiconi (water is life)” Sunday afternoo...
MUSKRAT Magazine’s Akeesha Footman interviewed esteemed researcher, teacher, artist and author Dr. Jenny Kay Dupuis, about her new book, I Am Not A Number. Dr. Dupuis along with co-author Kathy Kacer, crafted a powerful book based on the life of Dupuis’ grandmother. The story brings to light a terrible...
National First Nations Youth Council Gifts Quilt to Carolyn Bennett, Minister of Indigenous and Northern Affairs at Assembly of First Nations Youth Summit | Image source: Two Row Times This past summer more than 200 First Nations youth from across the country gathered in Niagara Falls for a National You...
Kawennáhere Devery Jacobs in the film The Sun at Midnight | Image source: Jill & Jackfish Productions Inc. The Seventh Fire is an Anishinaabe prophecy that foretells a time when Indigenous Peoples will return to their traditional knowledge bundles with the help of Elders and teachers. The 7th Fire...
Raspberries | Image source: Barrie Hill Farms The berry fast ceremony marks the stage of life when we start to put away our childhood toys and begin to focus on being a young woman, modelling behaviours and values for the younger generation. My first experience with a berry fast happened when I was four...
Cover of the children’s book The Song Within My Heart | Image source: Strong Nations The beginning of May marked Canadian Children’s Book Week where family reading is celebrated and promoted across the country, First Nations Communities Read also announced their shortlisted selections for the 2016...
INAC Occupiers and activists exit the building to traditional drumming and singing | Image source: Erica Commanda “We’re here for the youth, that’s what it’s always been about,” said Idle No More activist, Carrie Lester (Mohawk). “So many times [Indigenous youth] voices have been swept under the...
The St.Lawrence River at Sunset. | Image Source: In 2000, author, and respected Midewin Elder, Eddie Benton (Ojibway) spoke at a large gathering in Pipestone, Minnesota where he prophesied that if society continues to neglect its responsibility for the waters -30 years from now an ou...