Time: 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Location: Urban Shaman Contemporary Aboriginal Art Gallery
Address: 203-290 McDermot Ave
City/Province: Winnipeg, MB
50 to 500
14th Annual Member’s Exhibition and Sale
Opening night & celebration: Friday, November 2, 2018 8pm to 11pm, donation ask of $10.00 at the door (not mandatory but welcomed)
Running dates: November 2 to December 1, 2018
Find artwork by our membership priced from 50 cents to 500 dollars, thus the name 50 to 500. The event consists of an opening reception Friday, November 2th from 8 to 11pm to celebrate an evening with amazing art, our members who support us throughout the year and the changing of the season! This event is great for stimulating conversation, getting to know artists in our community of Winnipeg and beyond. Enjoy refreshments and delish Indigenous food. Exhibition and sale continue till December 1. This is a great event to find amazing artwork, discover local artists, and support the gallery and artists this holiday season.
Email our friendly staff <info@urbanshaman.org> and we would be happy to answer you. HOPE YOU JOIN US!