Time: 7:30 am - 8:30 am
Grandma’s Shawl from Soundstreams is a one-night-only musical journey inspired by Kokum shawls and the bond between Ukrainian and Indigenous women.
Narrated through the enchanting voices of Ukrainian-Canadian soprano Natalya Gennadi, soprano, and Algonquin mezzo-soprano and composer Kristine Dandavino, accompanied by Jo Greenaway (piano) and Oleksandra Fedyshyn (violin), the story unfolds through stories, poetry, folk songs, and compositions by Canadian, Ukrainian and Indigenous composers including Irene Wawatie Jerome, Ian Cusson, Anna Pidgorna, Andrew Balfour, Jessica McMann, Stefania Turkevych, Lesia Dychko, Oleksandra Fedyshyn and Alla Zagaykevych.
Grandma’s Shawl is curated and directed by Natalya Gennadi, winner of Soundstreams’ annual New Voices Curator Mentorship program.