Time: All Day
3 days of original contemporary Indigenous performance with shows for all ages. Theatre, Music, Film and more!
The Nogojiwanong Indigenous Fringe Festival (NIFF) is the world’s first and only Indigenous Fringe.
As part of the vibrant and growing international family of Fringe Festivals, NIFF is committed to connecting communities by providing access for artists to performance opportunities and providing access for community members to varied and innovative performances. Everyone is invited to attend NIFF and support Indigenous performance! Fringe Festivals are unique in their emphasis on removing barriers between artists and audiences and NIFF is excited to connect Indigenous artists from many nations with all people from the Nogojiwanong community and beyond.
Any Indigenous performer, or performing arts company with at least 51% Indigenous performers can apply to perform at NIFF. In order to increase access for artists, we have a low application fee and a simple application process. Artists are completely free to choose how and what they perform.
Uncensored, land-based, Indigenous performance.
MORE INFO: https://www.indigenousfringefest.ca/