As Part of Idle No More’s National Call to Action #Unsettle150 #Resistance150
June 16th, 2017 – The Bawaating Water Protectors are responding to the Idle No More call to action by gathering in Ottawa for a four-day long public ceremony. We call to the public and medias to join and support us. As part of Idle No More – OFFICIAL – Unsettling Canada 150: A Call to Action, we will gather in direct opposition, in order to tell another story and reject the upcoming celebrations. Along with a four-day fasting ceremony, from June 28th to July 2nd, sustained programming will also take place in the form of public panels, performance art and workshops as a way to engage the public with another narrative.
This will be a LGBTQIA+ and Two Spirit inclusive space.
WHAT: 4 Days Long Public Ceremony in Ottawa
WHEN: June 28 (9h00am) To July 2nd (9h00am)
WHERE: Downtown, specific location to be announced.
WHO: Anyone Who Questions the Unreasonable Celebration of the 150
WHY: Counter-Narrating The 150th Celebrations
The main message of this reoccupation is that Canada’s 150th anniversary is not a celebration for everyone; with the honest history of “Canada” so routinely overlooked, many people will need direct interaction to understand the depth and pain caused by the casual dismissal of Indigenous narratives. As the occupying government celebrates its “accomplishments”, sovereign Indigenous Nations continue to uphold their responsibilities all over Turtle Island by defending Turtle Island. This four-day Public Ceremony aims to simultaneously unsettle the 150th anniversary while asserting place-based relationship on our lands that were never ceded, and to educate the general public on the atrocities that the occupying government continues to inflict on our Nation’s and our Mother. We will make ourselves a priority within this chaos, and we will offer the alternative to “Canada’s” propaganda.
We invite the Ottawa community to not only join, but directly get involved. Those who think that the message and actions of Water keepers and defenders from all over the world and in Canada are of upmost importance can help by donating to any Indigenous led group of people defending our Waters. For this action, you can also host Water keepers and volunteer to cook during the Ceremony.
To Donate:
To Host Water Protectors, Fill up this form:
To Sign up to help feed the water protectors, Fill up this form:
To sign up for the Indigenous Youth art team, Fill up this form:
If you would like to speak or perform at this event,
contact the local ottawa organizers: Fredrick StoneyPoint, Hamda Deria, Summer Harmony Twenish or Trycia Bazinet. Alternatively, contact TurtleIslandwaterprotectors@gmail.com
Contact Information:
Jodi Kaliane Pine Trycia Bazinet Hamda Deria
grubbyruxpin@live.ca tryciabazinet@gmail.com hamda.deria@outlook.com
289-788-6088 613-277-3755 613-600-4599
Teddy Syrette
Relevant Links:
Facebook Link of the event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1923800771235696/
National Call to Action http://www.idlenomore.ca/unsettling_150_a_call_to_action