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Wayfinding in the Vortex: Part 2

Wayfinding in the Vortex: Part 2

Kanaka Maoli Cultural and Language Advisor: Bryan Kuwada

As it turned out, events happened in the order Hiko had described. The job offer she least wanted came first. Kalehia’s anxiety rose to record heights when she declined it, but she realized the stress of working a job she didn’t like could trigger mental health experiences she didn’t want. Begay’s offer came a week later, ending Kalehia’s recurring nightmare of waking to find herself chained to a wall in the dank dungeon of a nineteenth century mental hospital.

Begay didn’t seem to notice that Kalehia arrived early on her first day. The professor simply waved her into the office. She sat behind a stunning turquoise stone desktop that complimented pink adobe walls. A colorful Navajo blanket hung behind her chair. “Did you get your HR package?”

“In my email this morning.” Kalehia marveled at a display shelf containing an exquisite collection of Navajo pottery. “I filled out all the forms.”

“Good. That includes your nondisclosure agreement, I assume?”

Kalehia nodded. “This pottery collection is stunning.”

“My mother is a world-renowned potter. Her work paid for my PhD. Speaking of which, how is your thesis coming along?”

“It’s coming.” Kalehia finally sat in front of her professor/boss.

“Remind me what it’s about?”

Kalehia was a little disappointed Begay had forgotten. “Extending Longevity Through Tuning the Biofield. I’m just starting–”

“Good you’re not too far in. You’ll likely want to change your area of focus.”

“I will?” Kalehia had never noticed how pushy Begay was.

“Why double your workload and split your focus researching biofields? You just signed a three-year contract to work with me to develop a scalar drive prototype”

“A what now?”

Begay’s eyes narrowed. “Scalar. Drive.”

“Right.” Kalehia still had no idea what she was talking about.

Begay raised her eyebrows. “You have no idea what I’m talking about, do you?”

Kalehia shrugged.

“Which means you didn’t read all the papers I sent this morning.”

“Sorry, Professor. I wanted to get here early.”

Begay pinched the bridge of her nose. “I’d rather you arrived prepared.”


“Stop apologizing. And call me Tanisha.”

“Yes, Professor. Tanisha.”

“Well, I assume you know what scalar energy is since I cover it in my classes. And you’ve taken them all.”

Where the sparks started, Begay’s office.

Kalehia swallowed. So, Begay had noticed her. But had she noticed her? Well, she will now, Kalehia decided. “Scalar waves exist outside of three-dimensional reality. They’re at the heart of the Sun and every star in the universe. They’re not part of the world of matter, but they regulate it. Or more accurately, scalar is the source of electromagnetism and informs its behavior. And EM then regulates the form and behavior of matter. Older civilizations had words for Scalar, like qi or prana. Mana might be the closed translation in my language. Life force energy. These days scientists call it zero-point energy. And some people like calling it Consciousness.”

“My people call it nilch’i. It’s been described in many ways, and we draw upon it many times in our ceremonies and prayers.”

Kalehia nodded respectfully. “But I’m a biofield specialist. So, I’m not sure why you hired me to help you develop a drive powered by scalar for …?”


“Oh!” That was not the answer Kalehia expected. She was well out of her comfort zone, but hadn’t that been obvious from her CV? “I don’t really know much about space travel.”

“You don’t need to. I’ve assembled a multi-disciplinary team. You’ll meet them later.”

“So, you’re looking to invent a technology that will harness the power of scalar from another dimension to bend the rules of three-dimensional reality for the purposes of … space travel?”

Bejay seemed pleased. “No three-dimensional power source, bound by the rules of this reality, is going to enable faster than light speed. We have to pull power from another dimension. With scalar we enable ships, or any object made of matter, to literally disappear from one place and reappear in another.”

Kalehia nodded sagely as if she understood. Then asked, “how?”

Begay pinched the bridge of her nose again. “By quantifying, duplicating and intensifying the wave form of an intention. In this case the intention to exist somewhere else, a specific space-time coordinate.”

“Technology that would enhance the manifestation of ideas into reality. Is that even possible?”

Begay frowned. “Of course, it is. Look around you. Everything you see was once a thought form that was focused on long and hard enough to condense energy into matter. Think in terms of geometry, Kalehia. Do the math. Literally.”

Kalehia spoke slowly, processing along the way. “If time is an illusion, then we don’t exist in spacetime. Instead, we are projecting our bodies, our minds, and the world we live in, through consciousness, and we are here and now because, as energy fields, we vibrate at the frequency of ‘here’ and ‘now’.” She curled her fingers into air quotes. “Space and time exist in us.”

“And that is where your biofield expertise comes in. If we can invent the technology that emits the right thought frequencies of scalar, that energy will manifest a new here and now for whatever object or biological entity we want to transport across time and space.”

Kalehia could barely quell her excitement at the idea. “I mean, this is paradigm-shifting. The known and unknown universe, across time, accessible for study. And it has other applications.”

“And that’s the point,” the professor said. “Right now, some narcissistic billionaire wannabe astronaut is funding us to develop a scalar stardrive. But if we do that, we can apply the same principles to any purpose. Medical technology. Food production. Could you imagine a computer powered with scalar? Infinite speed, infinite memory? Embedded into our bodies?”

Kalehia’s bit her lip remembering Hiko’s forearm device. “You think humanity is ready for that?”

Begay shrugged. “As conscious beings we’ve always had the power to manifest our thoughts, for better or worse. It’s just that in this dimension there’s a time delay. With the tech we’re developing there won’t be any delays. The energy will instantly organize and condense around any idea at the speed of thought.”

The implications began to sink in. “And to think I almost accepted a job to research biofield intervention technologies.”
Begay blew a raspberry. “Waste of research dollars.”

Kalehia spent the rest of her first day at work reading papers and meeting her new colleagues.

Wayfinding in the Vortex: Part 1: muskratmagazine.com/Wayfinding In the Vortex: Part One


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About The Author

Zainab Amadahy

Zainab Amadahy is of mixed race background that includes African American, Cherokee, Seminole, Portuguese, Amish, Pacific Islander and other trace elements (if DNA testing is accurate). She is an author of screenplays, nonfiction and futurist fiction, the most notable being the adequately written yet somehow cult classic “Moons of Palmares”. Based in peri-apocalyptic Toronto, Zainab is the mother of 3 grown sons and a cat who allows her to sit on one section of the couch. For more on Zainab and free access to some of her writings check out her website. www.swallowsongs.com.

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