Image: Tsēma Igharas, Riot Rock Rattles, Copper, Rawhide, Ceramic, Glass Beads, Dentalium Shells, Penny Shards and Mount Edziza Soil Sample, installation, 2016-present.
Second Gesture: 11 May – 29 July 2017
Wood Land School: Kahatènhston tsi na’tetiátere ne Iotohrkó:wa tánon Iotohrha tsóhsera nikarí:we’s enwe’néhston nia’tekaio’tenhserá:ke enhatí:ion’te tánon enkaiá:ken’ne tsi nón:we ne iontkahthóhtha enwe’néhston nia’tekónhson.
Ne tiotierénhton we’néhston tsi niio’shatsténhsera tsi kahaténhston tsi nontaiawenhserón:ne iakaweiahrahstèn:ni. Teiotiahrhatenionhátie’ video, karahstánion, kaieron’tón:ni, karáhston tánon tehontierónnons, tekeníhaton we’néhstha’ oh ní:ioht ne nón:wa tsi tewanákere. Ki kahaténhston we’néhstha tsi na’tehonterónnion ne Onkwehón:we, tsi niwathá:wi, kahwá:tsire, Onkwehón:we akohronkháhtshera tánon tsi na’teiónteron ne iah ón:kwe té:ken ne nón:wa. Nek tsi iáh ki’ énska’k tsi tekahatènhston ne anonhtonnniónhtshera. Oh niiá:wen’s nó:nen kahaténhston anonhtonniónhtshera tenká:ta’ne táni’ taie’nikonhrhá:ren?
Wood Land School: Kahatènhston tsi na’tetiátere ne Iotohrkó:wa tánon Iotohrha ronaterihwahtehtiá:ton ne Duane Linklater, Tanya Lukin Linklater tánon cheyanne turions, skátne ne Walter Scott. SBC Gallery ne Contemporary Art ronahtentiá:ton
Wood Land School: Kahatènhston tsi na’tetiátere ne Iotohrkó:wa tánon Iotohrha / Drawing a Line from January to December is conceived as a single year-long exhibition that unfolds through a series of gestures—clusters of activity that bring works into and out of the gallery space—such that the exhibition is in a constant state of becoming.
The first gesture was concerned with the power of line to mark history and invoke memory. In this first gesture, we have considered what it means to inherit a history. We have made claims for where we have felt ourselves formed. We have proposed that this is one potential way to pick up the line.
The second gesture is where we ask: how does the line behave? Spanning video, photography, sculpture, drawing and performance, the works of the second gesture show us how to occupy the present. Here, the line acts as a point of departure for Indigenous relations, mapping time, family, Indigenous languages and non-human relations in the now. And yet, this isn’t a singular line of thought. What does a line of thinking become when it is collapsed or disrupted? In this second gesture, we complicate and converse with the idea of the line and materiality.
Wood Land School: Kahatènhston tsi na’tetiátere ne Iotohrkó:wa tánon Iotohrha / Drawing a Line from January to December has yielded many questions and ideas—for Wood Land School, for SBC, for the artists and for our publics. Collectively, we consider how this line acts, thinks and articulates itself under this particular condition we have created or implicated ourselves in.
Wood Land School is an ongoing project with no fixed location or form. First instigated by Duane Linklater, Wood Land School: Kahatènhston tsi na’tetiátere ne Iotohrkó:wa tánon Iotohrha / Drawing a Line from January to December is organized by Duane Linklater, Tanya Lukin Linklater and cheyanne turions, with Walter Scott.
The Second Gesture runs until July 29th.
372, Ste-Catherine Street West, space 507
Tiohtià:ke/Montreal (QC) Canada
H3B 1A2
Tuesday to Saturday 11am – 5pm
Thursday 11am – 8pm