Call for manuscripts for 2016 Issue. Deadline for submission: January 31, 2016.
A special issue of the Canadian Journal of Children’s Rights dedicated to exploring rights in the lives of Indigenous children is open for submissions. For this special issue we invite a range of contributions including scholarly essays, original research articles, comparative analyses, critical reviews, advocacy and policy articles as well as personal narratives, interviews, oral histories, and poetry. We are interested in presenting a wide range of perspectives relating to Indigenous children and rights.
The Canadian Journal of Children’s Rights is an academic journal that offers a forum for exchanging ideas and engaging in conversation regarding a range of children’s rights issues. It is international in scope and content and encourages diverse approaches to the subject. We welcome manuscripts in English and French from academics, researchers, community partners and young people. Each manuscript submission will undergo a masked peer review process. The editors will review youth submissions to verify their appropriateness to CJCR’s focus and scope.
Guide to authors and other details are available at: https://journals.carleton.ca/cjcr or by following the Canadian Journal of Children’s Rights link on the site at: landonpearson.ca
Further inquiries to:
Dr. Virginia Caputo, Managing editor