The Theatre Creators’ Reserve Program (through the Ontario Arts Council) assists Ontario-based professional theatre creators, individuals and collectives, by funding them to develop new work. Native Earth accepts submissions from emerging and established multidisciplinary theatre creators. Please note that these funds are not to be used for workshops or productions, but are intended to provide funding for artists to have the time to create new work.
Native Earth particularly encourages submissions by Indigenous artists, artists-of-colour and women; emerging and established multidisciplinary artists.
Applicants may request between $1000 and $5000.
Note: On average Native Earth’s recommendations range between $1000 – $2000.
Only one submission per individual/collective will be accepted.
As always, we ask those involved with the company to work from the seven values that govern Native Earth: Courage, Generosity, Tolerance, Strength of Character, Patience, Humility and Wisdom.
- A completed copy of the OAC application form.
- Your project proposal, including the description and development history of the project to date, as well as what you envision for the outcome of your piece and its impact on the theatre community (a maximum of two pages)
- A current CV for all company members and/or collaborators.
- Up to 15 pages of a script (if applicable), or links to/copies of video documentation for work of non text-centered projects.
- Any information, documentation or media that will provide us with further understanding of your project (if applicable).
Deadline to Submit:
Tuesday December 1st, 2015 at 5pm
Please submit as one document in a PDF and title it “Lastname.FirstnameTCR” and send to Yolanda Bonnell at admin@nativeearth.ca
Questions can be directed to Yolanda at admin@nativeearth.ca