Demeter Press is seeking submissions for an edited collection entitled Feminist Perspectives on the Family.
Editors: Maria Jose Yax-Fraser,
KirthiJayakumar and Tola Pearce
Deadline for Abstracts: September 15, 2015
The family has taken on diverse forms throughout human history and in different regional, economic, racial and ethnic groups. However, when politicians lament the ‘decline of the family’, they have in mind a departure from the century old nuclear family form composed of a man, his wife, and their biological children (Sarah Blaffer Hrdy 2009:144). In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, in the Western world, the field of family study emerged out of a fundamental belief in the need to document and ameliorate social problems based on the deterioration of “traditional family life” caused by rapid change (Maxine Baca Zinn 2000). Feminist thinkers have made a significant contribution to the study of families and family dynamics and have recast family life through a gendered lens and have revealed from an intersectionality perspective how the complexities such as race, class, geography, ethnicity, status, and nationality shape families. In this edited collection we wish to explore emergent feminist perspective on the family as our globalized world continuous to experience accelerated social changes. The collection will focus on ethnographic research based studies, theoretical and creative submissions. We encourage the submission of critical papers that look at the academic representations of the family before feminism; papers that focus on a historical overview of the impact of feminism on family studies; and papers that make the connections between feminist scholarship on the family and public policy.
Topics may include (but are not limited to):
Feminist perspectives on reproduction and the family; Feminist perspectives of family law; Feminist perspectives on incest; Feminist perspectives on domestic violence; Feminism and the masculinities of violence in families; Feminist perspectives on family diversity and change/ Refugee families; Transnational motherhood; Feminist perspectives on transnational, multi-local family configurations; Feminist perspectives of mixed-marriage families; Feminist perspectives on endogamous communities; Feminist perspectives on polygamous families; Feminism, culture and family; Matrilineal cultures and family; Feminism and child-rearing; Feminism and marriage; Feminism and divorce; Feminism and custody arrangements; Feminism and adoption; Feminism and justice within the family; Feminism and female foeticide / infanticide; Feminist perspectives on gender and socialisation within the family; Feminism and engendered upbringing; Feminism and honour killings in families; Feminism, sexuality and the family; Feminism, religion and family; Feminism and surrogate motherhood; Varieties of feminism and perspectives on family; Marxist Feminism and the family; Radical Feminism and the family; The Third Wave of Feminism and family; Post-modern Feminism perspectives on families; Feminism, patriarchy and families; Feminism and gender inequality in families; Feminism and the nuclear family; Feminism and the joint family; Difference, Feminism and the family; Gendered bodies, feminism and families; and Feminism and alternative reproductive technology.
Submission Guidelines:
Abstracts: 250 words. Please include a 50-word biography (detailing affiliations, past publication experience, and citizenship information).
Deadline for abstracts is September 15, 2015
Acceptances made by: October 15, 2015
Accepted papers, 15-18 double-spaced pages with references in
MLA format, will be due March 1, 2016
Please send submissions and inquiries directly to Editors: Maria Jose Yax-Fraser, Kirthi Jaya kumar and Tola Pearce at: FeministPerspectivesOnFamily@gmail.com
140 Holland St. West, P.O. Box 13022 Bradford, ON, L3Z 2Y5 (tel) 905-775-5215
http://www.demeterpress.org info@demeterpress.org