“The Canadian Roots Exchange operates trips and hosts conferences across Canada for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal youth. Founded in 2009, the CRE provides an opportunity for youth to learn and discuss the experiences and perspectives of Indigenous peoples around the country.” -Canadian Roots...
With the acknowledgement that churches in Canada exist within the context of stolen Native lands comes the responsibility to acknowledge, respect, and look towards Indigenous ways to re-construct Western perceptions. I am not a direct survivor of the residential school system in that I didn’t attend any...
Until colonialism ends and our access to the wealth of the country is restored on terms to which all First Nation’s people can agree, there is little to forgive. On June 11, 2008, Prime Minister Stephen Harper delivered the long overdue apology for the forced removal of the First Nations children...
Glimpses into Neoliberal Apartheid in the Cape. Thanks to the work of Shirley Walters of the University of the Western Cape (UWC), Carol Lynne D’Arcangelis and I were invited to participate in a UWC colloquium on feminist popular education in Cape Town, South Africa on Oct 8th, 2012. We presented on the...
Randy Fred discusses the Blackwater trial and the self-medicating that followed. Photos from Alberni Indian Residential School, archived in the childrenremembered.ca, Residential School Archive Project. Who were the real beneficiaries of the millions of dollars paid out as compensation for Indian Reside...
Assembly of First Nations National Chief Shawn Atleo on truth and reconciliation. At THE MEETING PLACE — truth and reconciliation gathering hosted by Toronto Council Fire Native Cultural Centre in June 2012, Assembly of First Nations National Chief Shawn Atleo shared his insights about the impacts...
Osha Paddle Board & Yoga brings stand up paddle boarding lessons, yoga and guided paddle tours to Sunnyside Beach. Osha Paddle Boarding and Yoga celebrated their launch, June 21st 2012, in conjunction with Council Fire’s Aboriginal Day Celebration at Cherry Beach and has since been doing lessons, to...
Special Visioning Across the Pillars of White Supremacy As part of the 2012 TRC Toronto based gathering, “The Meeting Place”, activist and educator Zainab Amadahy facilitated a workshop exploring relationships between and among Indigenous and other racialized communities in Canada. On Friday June 1, I p...
Pain of being is derived from a photograph of my mother taken on the day of her First Communion ceremony. When I began this painting my only intention was to depict the figure somewhat realistically. Part of my creative process is to intentionally let go of as much mind awareness as possible so that I ....