February 09, 2025

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The first and only organization in Alberta for film + tv, media & arts professionals who are Black, Indigenous & People of Colour

Free Membership for IBPOC Individuals!

Alberta CREATIVES EMPOWERED makes its inaugural public launch today. Creatives Empowered is a collective of artists + creatives who are Black, Indigenous & People of Colour, empowering each other as an allied community. The organization represents film + tv, media & arts professionals – from emerging to established – based in western Canada. Membership is also open to those who originally hail from Alberta, but now reside elsewhere.

The ultimate vision of Creatives Empowered is to explore and encourage new and diverse ways of creating works that are inherently non-colonial. To create a more equitable cultural sector, that accurately reflects the world we live in. And to eliminate systemic racism within arts + culture.

The organization exists as a safe and supportive community for Alberta-based artists + creatives who are Black, Indigenous and People of Colour. It advocates for and represents its members and their needs. It increases professional opportunities for IBPOC talent. It provides empowering and educational resources, and professional development. And it networks, collaborates and shares with like-minded individuals and organizations across Canada, and worldwide.

“We must be empowered to be ourselves and to create. It’s critical for Alberta’s cultural industries to understand that IBPOC creative talent does exist, and that it’s beautifully potent. Creatives Empowered helps to prove that by dismantling negative stereotypes, and creating truly equitable opportunities for IBPOC talent to shine. We encourage any artist + creative who is Black, Indigenous and a Person of Colour to reach out, connect with us, and become a member, because there is definitely a need for this community. Let’s empower each other and build this open and welcoming space together.” ~ Shivani Saini, Founder, Creatives Empowered

Membership is FREE for individuals who self-identify as Black, Indigenous and / or a Person of Colour. Membership Fees for Ally and IBPOC-run Organizations are based on annual operating budgets.

For more info, membership, and to subscribe please visit: www.creativesempowered.ca

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About The Author

MUSKRAT Magazine

MUSKRAT is an on-line Indigenous arts, culture magazine that honours the connection between humans and our traditional ecological knowledge by exhibiting original works and critical commentary. MUSKRAT embraces both rural and urban settings and uses media arts, the Internet, and wireless technology to investigate and disseminate traditional knowledges in ways that inspire their reclamation.

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