Hello, Waciye, Ahniin,
We are a team of Indigenous and non–Indigenous allies based out of Ryerson University (called the Mamow Ki Ken Di Ma W in team) which is working with Nibinamik First Nation on a healing strategy in light of multiple recent crises in the community.
The community of Nibinamik has recently endured several youth suicides and multiple attempts over the course of the year. Additionally, the community was evacuated due to power outages and forest fires in the area this past summer, which had a significant impact on the entire community. The Chief, Jonny Yellowhead, and band council members have reached out for support in healing from the current and historical crises in the community.
Nibinamik is a fly–in community, located approximately 500KM north of Thunder Bay. It is accessible only by plane in the summer months, and by winter road in the winter. It is home to 400 residents, with a large number of the population being youth. Suicide and suicidal ideation is common in Nibinamik, as well as in many First Nation communities across Turtle Island. Suicide and self–inflicted injuries are the leading causes of death for First Nation youth and young adults. Colonialism and systemic violence continue to disrupt Indigenous ways of knowing and being, which leaves many young people little hope for their futures and the future of their community.
We are currently seeking donations of funds to help offset some costs associated with recent expenses, such as funeral costs and upcoming community healing activities. We are additionally hosting a benefit concert and art auction to raise additional funds to support the community.
In addition to the details that follow, I have attached the Flyer for the March 3rd event. Furthermore, please note the link below for the CBC story on the Housing crisis in Nibinamik.
CBC Housing crisis in Nibinamik: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpRyv5VzmjA
Fundraising Event: Finding Our Power Together
The fundraising event will be held on March 3rd at Ryerson University and will feature a film made by the Nibinamik Youth Empowerment Council focused on youth suicide prevention, entitled Finding Our Power Together.
The March 3rd event ‘Finding Our Power Together’, is seeking to raise awareness of youth suicide and to elicit support for a remote First Nation community in northern Ontario. It is time for us to come together, as Indigenous peoples and allies, to save our young people. We are inviting the Ryerson Community and beyond to join us in celebrating life, and honouring those that left us too quickly, in order to become a stronger nation together.#FindingOurPowerTogether #FOPT
Event Details:
Location: Ryerson University Campus, Kerr Hall Gym, 379 Victoria St. 2nd Floor
Time: Doors at 6:30pm, event 6:30pm to 9pm
Price: $20 or Pay What You Can for youth (proceeds go to support Nibinamik First Nation)
The event will feature a short documentary film made by the Nibinamik Youth Empowerment Council
Musical performances, silent auction, art exhibit, and Indigenous artisan and food vendors.
All proceeds go directly to support Nibinamik‘s youth.
#FOPT #FindingOurPowerTogether
The Mamow Ki Ken Di Ma Win team
Ryerson University