Toronto, November 26, 2015 – It’s not too late to participate in the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport’s consultation to develop the first Ontario Culture Strategy.
If you weren’t able to attend a town hall meeting or if there wasn’t one in your community, we encourage you to respond to the discussion paper by December 7, 2015. Further details on how to submit comments on the discussion paper are posted on the government’s online Environmental Registry.
The culture strategy developed through this process will set the government’s priorities and provide the plan to support the culture sector over the next five years.
Consultation Goals for the Culture Strategy:
- Identify what Ontarians value about culture
- Identify opportunities to strengthen culture in Ontario
- Ensure that culture policies and programs reflect Ontario’s diverse populations and communities
- Inspire and engage more youth to participate in Ontario’s culture
Ontario currently supports four culture sectors: arts, cultural industries, cultural heritage (including community museums, built heritage, cultural heritage landscapes and archaeology) and public libraries. Over the years, demographic and technological changes have had a profound impact on the culture sector.
Supporting arts and culture in the province is part of the government’s economic plan for Ontario. This consultation is a unique opportunity for Ontario’s artists and other arts professionals to provide input for the Culture Strategy, which will guide government decision-making in the years ahead.
We encourage you to invite others to have their say by forwarding this email to board members and staff within your organizations, and to artists in your community.
For more information
Kirsten Gunter
Director of Communications
Ontario Arts Council
416-969-7403 | 1-800-387-0058, ext. 7403 | kgunter@arts.on.ca