Shouldn’t the people who help provide Winnipeg’s water get to enjoy it too?
A campaign dedicated to sharing the full story of how Winnipeg gets its water, the Indigenous people who’ve paid the price as a result, and how you can help. Did you know that the water we in Winnipeg enjoy actually comes from Shoal Lake, a source located some 150 kilometres away?
Are you aware that, while generations of Winnipeggers have been nourished by the Lake since 1919, the people of Shoal Lake 40 First Nation have been forced to boil their water since 1997?
SL40 Story
For almost 100 years, the waters by Shoal Lake 40 First Nation have been a steady, reliable source of nourishment and enjoyment for hundreds of thousands of Winnipeggers. Yet, for the past 18 years, SL40 has been forced to live under a boil-water advisory.
How to Help
Join the hundreds of people who’ve already pledged their support to the crowdfunder hoping to raise the funds Ottawa won’t invest in the construction of Freedom Road.
FAQs: Freedom Road
What does access to clean water have to do with building a road?
The fact is, Shoal Lake 40 cannot get funding to build a community-operated water filtration plant without a road already in place. Which makes Freedom Road a critical first step toward addressing Shoal Lake 40’s problem with drinking water.
Where would the road go?
Once completed, the 27-kilometre road would connect the island community of SL40 to the Trans-Canada Highway via 9 kms of road on Shoal Lake #40 First Nation reserve land, 18 kms of Manitoba provincial Crown lands, along with bridge portions above water (a canal) and over dry land by the aqueduct.
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