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Indigenous Women in Community Leadership

Indigenous Women in Community Leadership

Coady International Institute Seeking Applications for its Enhanced Mentorship Program
Applications Open March 1, 2018

About the Program

Since 2011, Coady International Institute has been supporting Indigenous women’s leadership and community development by offering a program where knowledge and skills are expanded within a dynamic multicultural learning environment between First Nations, Métis , and Inuit women.

This program focuses on building leadership capacity by sharing expertise between participants, mentors, and Elders, on leadership models, community-driven development and resilience, governance, economic empowerment and development. This program prioritizes indigenous knowledge and teachings, and connects participants with other development practitioners from around the world.

Program Evolution

Beginning in 2018, the program will include three main components:

  1. Pre-Residency – Engage in a virtual learning network in preparation for the on-campus residency (approx. three days in September).
  2. Residency (October 1 – 23) – Attend on-campus program at Coady International Institute, located in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq People. (Antigonish, NS)
  3. Mentorship – Engage in a mentorship program with one-on-one mentorship and guidance from facilitators and peers as you undertake a community development project in your community.

The program will take place between September 1, 2018 – January 30, 2018 


This program is open to First Nation, Métis , and Inuit women who are legally entitled to work in Canada.

Candidates must:

  1. Have a minimum of a high school diploma
  2. Demonstrate a minimum of five years of leadership experience in a community through volunteer work or a working organization.
  3. Identify an idea for a community development initiative they wish to undertake which has initial support from their organization and/or community. 


Successful candidates receive a full scholarship that includes travel, tuition, accommodations, and meals.

For interviews, press photos, or further information, please contact:
Jenny MacDonald
Marketing Coordinator
jenmacdo [at] stfx [dot] ca
902 867 3943

About Coady International Institute

Established in 1959, Coady International Institute is committed to accompanying generations of global leaders skilled in the application of citizen-led, asset-based, and community-driven leadership for economic and social change. Located in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq People, on the campus of St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia. Coady International Institute includes a network of leaders in 130 countries globally.

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