For immediate release: Toronto, ON (June 8, 2015)…Kaha:wi Dance Theatre (KDT) is excited to announce our 7th Annual KDT Summer Intensive (SI) featuring an inspiring line-up of instructors and facilitators. This year’s Summer Intensive coincide with KDT’s 10th Anniversary celebration, Planet IndigenUS and the Para Pan Games. Toronto will be exploding with arts and culture this August 2015.
KDT SI is a month-long training program that offers contemporary technique, world Indigenous dance forms, alternative physical training systems, and artistic dialogue for investigating new dance performance led by Artistic Director Santee Smith. KDT SI features a CREATION LAB and culminates in a Closing Showcase. The program is held at Dancemakers Centre for Creation from August 3-28, 2015.
Kaha:wi Dance Theatre is pleased to welcome internationally renowned instructors including Frances Rings (Australia); Bulareyaung Pagarlava (Taiwan); Jorge Luis Morejón (Trinidad & Tobago); Marina Acevedo (Mexico); Laura Grizzlypaws (BC) and Toronto based artists: Andrea Nann; Louis Laberge-Côté; Alejandro Ronceria; Monique Mojica, Marcos Martin and Santee Smith. The Master Classes series features artists Rulan Tangen (New Mexico) and Goombine (Australia). From contemporary, Indigenous dance practices from around the world, Capoeira to Gyrokinesis, 2015’s stellar line-up of instructors offers participants a distinctive training opportunity that does not exist elsewhere. For more information on instructors and the class schedule please visit – www.kahawidance.org/training
KDT’s CREATION LAB – “Harvesting”, gathers artists to explore restoration and re-construction of dance, theatre and performance creation and practice. Led by international guest facilitator choreographer Jorge Luis Morejón, actor/playwright Monique Mojica and Santee Smith, the LAB focuses on creative strategies for inter-cultural, inter-arts, inter-Indigenous work framed in Indigenous methodological and dramaturgical perspective. Facilitators and participating artists work together to build cultural memory, explore possibilities of restoration, engage in embodied practice, story/text generated from body, land and place.
KDT SI also features a public Artist Salon Series where selected guest instructors discuss artistic process, covering topics such as inspiration, creativity, performance, and training, with an occasional in-studio demonstration.
KDT Summer Intensive is holistic and supports a healthy ecology for creativity and performance. It is designed for participants possessing a foundation and/or experience in dance and performance. Registration is open to: pre-professional and professional dancers, choreographers, actors, performance artists, directors and also movement analysts, performance studies researchers, dance instructors/teachers.
For registration visit
Kaha:wi Dance Theatre (KDT) is one of Canada’s leading contemporary dance companies. Exploring the intersection of Indigenous and new dance performance it is internationally renowned for artistry, creative excellence and collaboration. KDT’s embodiment of spirituality within traditional culture and innovative storytelling is conveyed through cinematic imagery and virtuosic performance that electrifies audiences on the world stage.
Founded by Onkwehon:we Artistic Director/Choreographer Santee Smith (Kenien’kehá:ka – Mohawk Nation). Innovative, transformative and culturally power-packed performances distinguish Santee as one of Canada’s most exciting choreographers.
Kaha:wi (Ga-HA-Wee) means “to carry” in the Kenien’kehá:ka language and is a traditional name for Smith’s family. KDT carries culture through dance, theatre, music and design.
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Kaha:wi Dance Theatre gratefully acknowledges the ongoing support of the Canada Council of the Arts, Department of Canadian Heritage, Ontario Arts Council, Toronto Arts Council and Miziwe Biik Employment & Training
Kaha:wi Dance Theatre
15 Case Goods Lance, Suite #305
Toronto, Ontario M5A 3C4
P: 416.923.7373
F: 1.866.823.8665