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The 4Rs Youth movement is currently accepting proposals to direct and produce a short video(s) that could be used as promotional material for the movement. The video(s) will explore the ways in which youth draw on their experiences with cross- cultural dialogue to enact social change in their communities, while sharing the messages around what 4Rs is, what we are doing, and who we are impacting. The video will be used to share the essence of 4Rs to the affiliates of our partner organizations, to potential partners and to drive movement building by inspiring existing and new young leaders in the 4Rs network.

The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit proposals from various candidates, conduct a fair evaluation based on criteria listed herein, and select the candidate who can achieve the vision and mission of this promotional series.

In 2015, our focus is on calling together the network of the 4Rs. The primary target audience will be young leaders engaged in 4Rs to date through our informal regional networks. These
young leaders include youth from within our partner organizations (young leaders, youth coordinators), but also other grassroots youth who have joined the movement to date. The objective of this phase will be to deepen connections with 4Rs young leaders across the country and support their capacity to start the conversation with others in their communities.

This is perhaps the most important phase of the movement, as it is a time for each individual to “scale deep” and analyze their own role in the system, and the willingness of youth to do the self-work necessary to restore power balances that oppress Indigenous people. From here they will begin a personal journey armed with the tools, training and supports needed to co-create and undertake reconciliation projects in solidarity, as Indigenous and non-Indigenous youth, on Indigenous issues that are relevant to them.

4Rs is building a communications platform that will combine branding, website, social media, video and storytelling with real experience in order to start the conversation, deepen the connection, and measure how these emotional responses translate into action around Indigenous issues in Canada. Using the theme of ‘calling together’ the communications tools that will support this phase of development include:

  • Establishment of a brand image and website
  • Creation of 4Rs social media profiles
  • Creation of a 4Rs promotional video
  • Establishment of evaluation systems for measuring communications impacts

This promotional video is in partnership with funding from the Inspirit Foundation and supported by the 4Rs National Partners.


The 4Rs Youth Movement is a nationwide initiative that came together in 2013 to begin to reshape the dialogue among Canada’s Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples, to deepen their mutual understanding of each other’s values, beliefs and aspirations. Together with 14 national partners, they are changing the country by changing the relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous youth. Cross cultural dialogue rooted in Indigenous philosophies and social innovation are creating fundamental changes in the ways that young people understand shared history and contemporary realities, providing youth with the skills and agency to make change at local and national levels.

The values of the movement form the basis of our name; respect, reciprocity, relevance and reconciliation.

Mission: Our mission is to change the country by changing the relationship between
Indigenous and non-Indigenous youth.

Vision: Through strength in our identity and unity in our diversity, together we will recreate a country where Indigenous and non-Indigenous youth can all live, thrive and celebrate.

Organizationally we are a partnership of five National Aboriginal Organizations: The Assembly of First Nations, The Congress of Aboriginal Peoples, the National Association of Friendship Centres, The Native Women’s Association of Canada and the
Metis Nation of BC (as the lead representative on behalf of the Metis National Council); five National Youth Serving Organizations: YMCA, YWCA, Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Canada, Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada, Pathways to Education; and have been supported to date by four Foundations: the JW McConnell Family Foundation, Community Foundations of Canada, the Counseling Foundation of Canada and the Inspirit Foundation.

We are governed by a Youth-led Steering Committee with representation of each of our National Partners, which is supported by a Partners Advisory Committee made of senior level representation of our National Partners. 4Rs Staff Team currently consists of an Executive Director and Program Director who are responsible for executing the deliverables as outlined in our Strategic Plan and recommendations from the Steering Committee.


Project purpose:

The video(s) will explore the topics of cross-cultural relationship building, Indigenous resistance, social change, and youth; with a focus on the types of programming and initiatives 4Rs is undertaking. It will be screened to a broad and diverse demographic across Canada, as well as posted on the 4Rs website and social media platforms.

The purpose of the video(s) is to:

  • To inspire young change makers to join the movement and start conversation in their communities
  • Increase public discussion about the aforementioned topics across our partners and Canada
  • Support 4Rs’ mission to increase awareness, understanding and knowledge of Indigenous experiences amongst people in Canada through open and inclusive discussions
  • Diversify and broaden the scope and reach of 4Rs discussions, our training and events and other 4Rs initiatives and partnerships

Project Description:

4Rs is seeking a filmmaker to create a digital video(s) that will explore the topics of cross-cultural dialogue, decolonization, and reconciliation in support of youth driven social change. The video will piece together some of the existing video footage of 4Rs events that have taken place related to the theme. However, it will likely be largely composed of material created and edited by the producer. The target audiences are young people between 18-35, in general, and individuals interested in the subject matter being explored and unpacked by 4Rs.
The successful candidate will work with the 4Rs Executive Director, Jessica Bolduc, and the designated Communications Committee throughout the course of the documentary creation. The filmmaker will follow an approved concept document provided developed with 4Rs to serve as a guide to the documentary content, goals, and overall end result.

The successful candidate will be required to consult with the Executive Director and the Communications Committee as they have oversight for the video’s production and overall content. The Executive Director and Communications Committee have final approval on all creative and related decisions.


The successful candidate will be responsible for the following based on input and final approval by 4Rs:

  • Co-creating a concept document with input from the 4Rs Communications team
  • Script-writing
  • Creation of production schedule and plan that includes related requirements to ensure the video production meets required timelines. The productions schedule must be presented and approved by the Communications Committee and Executive Director. This plan must demonstrate that the filmmaker has considered possible production methods and material and make expert recommendations that can be best used to create an intriguing and appealing video series about 4Rs.
  • Coordination of narration requirements
  • Directing & filming
  • All design, video and audio editing with input, direction and final approval of the
    Communications Committee and Executive Director
  • Post-production work including the amalgamation of new video footage with video footage provided by 4Rs from past conversations. Any other tasks related to the creation, and production of these video(s)
  • Copies of the finished video(s) in digital and DVD format

4Rs will be responsible for:

  • Providing input into the development of a concept sheet
  • Past video footage and photography from previous conversations and events
  • Final approval on all items related to the video production
  • Required organizational logos and other required acknowledgements and general 4Rs content

The following criteria must be met to achieve a successful project:

  • Visually and aesthetically pleasing design
  • Appealing storyline
  • Inclusion of a theme that investigates the relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous youth, their diversity, and social change
  • Relative consistency of quality across all video footage utilized or created
  • Effective mention and description of 4Rs, its mission, and activities
  • Regular consultation with the Executive Director and Communications
  • Effective utilization of the concept sheet co-created with the Communications


Request for Proposal Timeline:

All proposals in response to this RFP are due no later than 12pm EST August 28th,
2015. Evaluation of proposals will be conducted from August 28tht, 2015 onwards. Late proposals will not be considered. If additional information or discussions are needed with any of the candidate(s), they will be notified.

Shortlisted candidates may be requested for interview and asked to provide a sample of related work. All candidates will be contacted in regards to their proposal no later than September 5th, 2015. Upon notification, contract finalization with the winning candidate will begin immediately.

Project Timeline:

The project must be completed no later than November 30th, 2015. Project planning phase must be completed by mid September 2016. The project-planning phase will determine the timeline/schedule for the remaining phases of the project.


The total budget for the production of the project is $10,000 inclusive of all costs including applicable tax and travel allowance.

Candidates are requested to budget into their proposal the cost of attending and collecting footage and interviews at least one 4Rs event in the Toronto area, and either Calgary or Winnipeg between September to November.

4Rs will not be responsible for any costs over and above this amount. All proposals must include the proposed expenses required to complete the tasks described in the RFP. Expenses must be itemized and if there are any recurring costs they must be explicitly stated. Pricing should be listed for each item in accordance with the sample format below:

Item Expense
Project Initiation and Planning
Video Footage Audio Editing Video Editing Travel allowance
Include all other related Expenses
NOTE: All costs and fees must be clearly described in each proposal.


Candidates must include the following items as part of their proposal for consideration:

  • Description of experience in producing and directing films of similar scope and length
  • List of all individuals, including yourself, who will be working on the project
  • A portfolio of past work
  • The contact information of two references from clients who you have worked with in the last 18 months
  • Timeframe for completion of the project
  • A budget for this project
  • The name, description and expertise of organizations or individuals who may be subcontracted to work on the project
  • A two page cover letter that explains:
    • why you would like to work on this project;
    • how you relate to the importance of the 4Rs Youth Movement, and
    • an overview of your vision for this project.


4Rs will evaluate all proposals based on the following criteria:

  • Overall proposal suitability: Proposed plans must meet the scope and needs identified in the RFP and be presented in a clear and organized manner
  • Experience: Candidates will be evaluated on their experience as it pertains to the scope of this project
  • Previous work: Candidates will be evaluated based on their references and examples of their work pertaining to documentary/film direction and production
  • Value and cost: Candidates will be evaluated on how they cost the project in relation to the work required to complete the video and in accordance with the scope of the project
  • Technical expertise and experience: Candidates must provide descriptions and documentation of their technical expertise and experience
  • Experience and awareness in issues pertaining to the vision and mission of 4Rs

The successful candidate will have the following attributes:

  • Experience in film and documentary creation
  • Video production and editing experience
  • Audio editing experience
  • An understanding of social justice, Indigenous and youth issues
  • An appreciation of topics and issues relating to Indigenous peoples

Candidates must submit an electronic copy of their proposal to the email address below by August 28th, at 12pm EST.

Jessica Bolduc, Executive Director – bolduc.jessica@gmail.com
Questions regarding the proposal and what is required can be directed to Jessica
Bolduc by email. In order to ensure that the proposals are based on similar information,
4Rs will “blind copy” by email only their reply to all candidates. Questions must be received and will be shared up to and before Wednesday August 26 th, 12pm EST.


The following documents accompany this RFP:

4Rs Strategic Plan Executive Summary
4Rs Expression of Reconciliation
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/nysonaoyouthreps

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About The Author

MUSKRAT Magazine

MUSKRAT is an on-line Indigenous arts, culture magazine that honours the connection between humans and our traditional ecological knowledge by exhibiting original works and critical commentary. MUSKRAT embraces both rural and urban settings and uses media arts, the Internet, and wireless technology to investigate and disseminate traditional knowledges in ways that inspire their reclamation.

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