Co-presented by MUSKRAT Magazine and ReZ Radio 91.3 FM, Stephanie Pangowish, Anishnaabekwe (Ah-nish-nah-beh-kway) from Wiikwemkoong on Manitoulin Island busted a few guts at the 5th Annual Gchi Dewin Indigenous Storytellers Festival in Wasauksing First Nation and Parry Sound, Ontario this past winter. From pow wow trail crushes to beadwork dealing, Pangowish pushed some boundaries cracking up the crowd with her urban/rez humour. Based in Toronto, Stephanie is a member of Manifest Destiny’s Child an all Indigenous women’s comedy troupe. She’s danced at pow wows for the past 10 winters, watched every movie with Adam Beach in it and pretends to have read all books about Native people.
Enjoy…and remember #WeAreAllInThisTogether! #SafeAtHome #PrayerstotheNavajoNation #WeLoveAdamBeach #MiigwetchtotheFrontline #FlowerMoon
OMG she’s funny. I didn’t catch her act last year. If ever we decide to have return artists I say lets bring sassy, bad-assy yet classy Stephanie Pangowish back.