The Faculty of Physical Education and Health at the University of Toronto is committed to enhancing educational opportunities for Aboriginal youth. With this in mind, we are very excited to be offering a 5-day SOAR Aboriginal Youth Gathering and Recruitment camp to a group of high school students from Aboriginal communities throughout Ontario.
Our program has initiated partnerships with four First Nations communities thus far to a maximum of 20 participants. These partnerships involve communities sending a group of high school students from their communities to Toronto from Monday March 14th-Friday March 18th, 2016 to take part in the March break program. The university will cover full hotel accommodations, meals for students, and two volunteer chaperones.
Our comprehensive program is centered on a physical education model, which will incorporate Indigenous faculty who will talk about health and wellness from an Aboriginal perspective, Indigenous ways of learning through the involvement of Elders, and community based activities. Additionally, students will have opportunities to experience university life, visit Toronto Landmarks, partake in a series of recreational events such as lacrosse, golf, swimming, and will have the opportunity to develop leadership, oral, communication, wellness, and team building skills.
Program Eligibility
- Students must be of Aboriginal ancestry (including First Nation, Status, Non-Status, Métis and Inuit)
- Students must be registered with a school board in grade 9, 10 or 11, 12
- Students must be between 14 and 17
- Students must agree to attend the program every day, be on time, follow the program guidelines and the student code of conduct
- To foster the leadership skills of Aboriginal youth
- To increase the representation of Aboriginal students in higher education.
Download SOAR Registration Package