TORONTOMOJI is a set of 50 customized graphics created to highlight some of Toronto’s most iconic landmarks, attractions and symbols as part of “TO Canada with Love,” the City of Toronto’s year-long program commemorating Canada’s 150th.
The app was developed by TWG, with Toronto graphics created by Hayley Thomas and 10 Indigenous icons conceived and designed by Maaiingan Productions to reflect the urban Indigenous community in Toronto.
Download, install and use TORONTOMOJIs to help you illustrate all that you love about Toronto in your posts and electronic messages.
The web page can be viewed here:
iOS App Store: http://ow.ly/EvzE30cMnut
Google Play for Android: http://ow.ly/YAFA30cMnBZ
iOS install instructions: https://www.macrumors.com/how-to/ios-10-messages-sticker-packs/
Android use instructions:
1 – Launch the app
2 – Click on any sticker you want to share
3 – A dialog pops up the first time only once to ask for permission to share, the user should click “Allow”
4 – A dialog appears with the list of apps/contacts to share the sticker with
5 – Select with whom to share, and it will be shared
Feel free to share the news via social. Here are a couple of suggested tweets:
The #TORONTOMOJI Sticker Pack is now available for iOS (http://ow.ly/EvzE30cMnut) & Android (http://ow.ly/YAFA30cMnBZ). Download for FREE!
Download #TORONTOMOJI for iOS (http://ow.ly/EvzE30cMnut) & Android (http://ow.ly/YAFA30cMnBZ) & message using Toronto-themed graphics! #C150TO