FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monday, July 20, 2015
The 2015 SACRED WATER WALK is coming to the Greater Toronto Area. A core group of fifteen walkers embarked on their journey on June 22, 2015 at Matane, Quebec. Their three month long journey will take them along the historic Anishinabek migration route ending at Madeline Island, Wisconsin, which is the end point of the migration as told by Edward Benton-Benai in “The Mishomis Book”.
This walk will raise awareness of the oil spills on the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River and the train derailments that have caused great harm to our waters.
“The water is sick…people need to really fight for that water, to speak for that water, to love that water.”
– Josephine Mandamin, Mother Earth Water Walker
In 2003, the first Mother Earth Water Walkers journey took them around Lake Superior. Since then, they have walked around each of the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence seaway. In 2011, they walked from four directions across Turtle Island. Each of their steps was a prayer for the water, for Mother Earth, for the animals, the birds, the insects, the trees, and for us, all the two-legged. Together the walks were one prayer for life.
Anishinabe women from across North America have been inspired to take up their work and walk the waters in their community. All the water walks are spiritual as well as physical journeys. They call our attention to the sacredness of water. They also raise awareness of the need to take care of the water, to help our Mother Earth who is struggling to survive and provide for all her children.
In 2015, Water Walkers are carrying salt water from the Atlantic Ocean the length route to the shores of Lake Superior. They encourage all Nations of Turtle Island and all our relations to get involved and support the Sacred Water Walk 2015 because Water is SACRED.
The Toronto Welcoming Committee is hosting a Welcome Feast & Ceremony:
Fort York
250 Fort York Boulevard
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
For more information on how Toronto can help:
Contact Luanna Harper at 705-826-2670
Visit: for more details and how to donate!
**Potential walkers please visit their website for information about protocol.
Food & Gear donations can be dropped off at:
Toronto Council Fire
439 Dundas Street East. ATTN: Denise Toulouse