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Call for Applications: WAAC Indigenous Artist-in-Residence 2022-23

Call for Applications: WAAC Indigenous Artist-in-Residence 2022-23

Women’s Art Association of Canada Artist-in-Residence Program, 2022–23


The Women’s Art Association of Canada (WAAC) welcomes Indigenous women visual artists to apply in writing to the 2022–23 WAAC Artist-in-Residence Program. This is a 12-month studio residency from October 2022 through September 2023. Applications are due by April 30, 2022. The WAAC is located in the centre of Toronto, on Prince Arthur Avenue and close to public transport.

The successful applicant is provided an individual studio space, free of charge, where the artist can concentrate on creative work. A small stipend for artist materials is included. The successful candidate will be part of a community of 13 studio artists working in 11 studios. As a recognized charity and not-for-profit organization, the WAAC provides public education in the arts; therefore, the artist-in-residence will have opportunity to engage in an educational capacity with WAAC members and the public.


This opportunity is open only to Indigenous artists (First Nations, Inuit, and Métis from Canada). Applicants are asked to identify the Nation(s) and community, band and/or reserve with whom they affiliate. All applicants must be professional visual artists as defined by the Ontario Arts Council: “someone who has developed skills through training or practice, is recognized by artists working in the same artistic tradition, has a history of public presentation or publication, seeks payment for their work and actively practices their art. Short breaks in artistic work history are allowed.”

Benefits for the Artist

The artist-in-residence will be provided a studio for 12 months, a $500 stipend for art supplies, and full membership privileges during the residency. The artist will have the opportunity for a solo show in the Dignam Gallery and promotion of their artwork. The position will be profiled through local media, which will increase the artist’s exposure to the arts community and the public.

Responsibilities of the Artist

The successful candidate will have the following responsibilities:

  • Give a free, public lecture on a subject of the artist’s interest
  • Provide mentorship to one or more members
  • Produce a body of work for an exhibition at the WAAC
  • Prepare a short report for WAAC on the residency experience


Applications will be assessed based on the following criteria:

  • Artistic merit—demonstrated quality of the artist’s work
  • Potential impact—description of how the residency could enhance the artist’s creative work, and how the artist could make an educational contribution to WAAC and the public
  • Mentorship—proposal for how the artist could provide mentorship to WAAC members
  • Overall strength of application—clarity of the artist’s proposal in terms of the requirements of the WAAC Artist-in-Residence Program: that is, the eligibility, responsibilities, and criteria of applicants

Evaluation process

A jury of internal and external assessors will conduct the evaluation process, including at least one external Indigenous assessor. The jury will consider the quality of applications, examples of the artist’s work, résumés, and references. Following interviews with a short list of applicants, the WAAC will select the successful applicant.


The following are ineligible to apply for the residencies: groups, members of the WAAC and their immediate families, students, and those under the age of 18.

Application Process


  1. By April 26, 2022 send an expression of interest to Women’s Art Association of Canada by providing your name and email address to Dale Butterill: dbutterill@rogers.com.
  2. A link to the online application form will be sent to those who express interest.
  3. Fill out the online form and submit by the closing date: April 30, 2022.

Application requirements

  • Proposal for artist-in-residency (250 words maximum)
    ◦  Proposed use of studio for creating new work during the residency, and how this work aligns with your stage of artistic development and your vision for new work
    ◦  Proposed educational contribution to the WAAC members and the public
    ◦  Description of how you would provide mentorship
    ◦  Description of your plan for creative work—materials and processes.
  • Description of artistic experience (250 words maximum)
    ◦  Artist statement describing your work
    ◦  Artist résumé
  • Ten images (jpegs) of your artwork
    ◦  Maximum 1200 pixels per side and 500 KB per image; jpeg format
    ◦  Label each image: number (01, 02, 03, etc., to 10); your last name; title of artwork
  • Image list: On a separate sheet, provide list that corresponds to 10 images submitted; include image number, your name, title of work, medium, dimensions (height x width).
  • Two references
  • Contact information
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About The Author

MUSKRAT Magazine

MUSKRAT is an on-line Indigenous arts, culture magazine that honours the connection between humans and our traditional ecological knowledge by exhibiting original works and critical commentary. MUSKRAT embraces both rural and urban settings and uses media arts, the Internet, and wireless technology to investigate and disseminate traditional knowledges in ways that inspire their reclamation.

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