February 06, 2025

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MusiCounts And APTN Award $20,000 In Instruments To First Nations Schools Through MusiCounts Band Aid Program

MusiCounts And APTN Award $20,000 In Instruments To First Nations Schools Through MusiCounts Band Aid Program

Today, MusiCounts is pleased to announce that through the generous support of APTN two $10,000 MusiCounts Band Aid Programinstrument grants, have been awarded to First Nations schools Eliza Van Bibber School in Pelly Crossing, YT and Gypsumville School in Gympsumville, MB. Since 2014, APTN and MusiCounts have provided $150,000 worth of musical instruments to schools across Canada through the MusiCounts Band Aid Program. “MusiCounts is proud to partner with APTN to provide instruments to schools in Indigenous communities across Canada,” said Kristy Fletcher, Executive Director, MusiCounts. “The instruments will allow generations of students to experience the benefits of music education. Thank you to APTN for your ongoing support of the MusiCounts Band Aid Program.”

“APTN recognizes our Peoples’ musical talents and the importance of creating opportunities for the exposure of our up-and-coming artists,” says Jean La Rose, Chief Executive Officer, APTN. “Music is an inspiration for many, and it’s important to ensure that our children, our youth have access to music programs that encourage creative expression at an early age. As the world’s first national Indigenous broadcaster of our cultural content, APTN is delighted to bring the gift of music to two more schools and our communities which in turn helps keep music alive for the next generation.”

Eliza Van Bibber is a K-12 school in rural First Nations community, Selkirk First Nation, Northern Tutchone. Prior to receiving the MusiCounts Band Aid Program grant the school only had five acoustic guitars and an old upright piano. The new instruments will not only be a vehicle for learning playing skills, but also a means for peer interaction, developing rhythm, motor function, creative thinking, and cooperation.

“The ability to learn and play these instruments is giving students something to work hard at, learn to persevere at and be proud of, and it’s really giving them a positive outlook,“ said Joshua Korten, Principal, Eliza Van Bibber School. “Thank you to MusiCounts and APTN for giving our school and community such an amazing opportunity.”

The Gypsumville School, is an N-8 school comprised mainly of First Nations students. Many students at the school do not have access to instruments outside of the classroom, and prior to the MusiCounts instrument grant there was only a handful of instruments at the school. With the new instruments the program will encompass all students from nursery to grade eight, instead of just a third of the school. “We are very excited that these new instruments have allowed many more students to be able to participate in our music program,” said Joel Oswald, Music Teacher, Gypsumville School. “Thank you to MusiCounts and APTN for supplying these instruments that will enhance the lives of our students.”

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